ΑΝΤΗΕ Μ. 'Macroelement Modeling of granular soil and composite soil systems'
CHAVIARAS, St. 'Fly ash in soil improvement'
CHATZAKIS, p. 'A Nonlinear Method for the Seismic Performance Evaluation of Buildings Including Soil – Foundation Interaction Effects'
KONTOGIORGOS, M. 'Numerical Modeling of Metamaterials for Applications to Geotechnical Structures against Dynamic Loading'
MAKATOUNAKI, E. 'Analysis of Foundations against Seismic or Cyclic Loading'
PAGANIS, An. 'Wireless MEMS inclination sensor'
PAPADOPOULOS, V. 'Evaluation of slope stability and stabilization techniques'
PAVLOPOULOU, M.E. 'The effect of mineral admixtures on the generalized behaviour of sands in the Hollow Cylinder apparatus'
RADIMA, I, 'Contribution to the Nonlinear Soil – Foundation – Superstructure Interaction'